Collection and use of personal information

Personal information is information that can be used to identify a specific person. Below are examples of some of the types of personal information we can collect and how we can use them.

How we use personal information

  • The collected personal information allows customers to be informed about significant changes, helps to further improve the service of our services and our online store;
    if you are participating in a prize-winning competition or similar incentive event, we may use the information provided to manage such programs;
    for sending individual notifications on the status of orders, online store campaigns, updates, special events, contests, lotteries, surveys and other promotions on the site;
    to answer questions;
    to create a personal account, if such a personal account cannot be created by the customer himself.

Deletion or change of personal data

  • The customer has the right to request the complete deletion of his personal account from the database of the online store by sending a request to our service.

How we protect the personal information we receive

  • Except as otherwise provided by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, we do not sell or disclose personal information obtained from our Users;
    We take appropriate administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect the personal data provided from accidental, unauthorized or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure and use.